Organic Maps: Vanlyn voetslaan, fietsry, roetes en navigasie

Organic Maps is ’n gratis Android & iOS vanlyn kaarttoep vir reisigers, toeristen, voetslaners en fietsers gebaseer op skareverkreë OpenStreetMap-data. Dit is ’n privaatheidgefokusde, oopbron vurk van die toep (voorheen bekend as MapsWithMe), en word onderhou deur dieselfde mense wat MapsWithMe in 2011 geskep het.

Organic Maps is een van die min toeps deesdae wat 100% van die funksionaliteit het sonder ’n aktiewe internetverbinding. Installeer Organic Maps, laai kaarte af, gooi u SIM-kaart weg (trouens, u verskaffer spoor u altyd na), en gaan ’n week op pad sonder om u battery te moet laai en sonder dat daar een greep na die netwerk verstuur word.

In 2023, Organic Maps got its first million users. Help us to scale!

Download and install Organic Maps from AppStore, Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, Obtainium, FDroid

Voetslaan Praag Vanlyn Soek Navigasie in


Organic Maps is die topkameraadtoep vir reisigers, toeriste, voetslaners en fietsers:

Waarom ‘Organic’?

Organic Maps is suiwer en organies, met liefde gemaak:

Organic Maps is vry van naspoorders en ander slegte dinge:

Die toepassing is geverifieer deur Exodus Privacy Project:

Die iOS-toepassing is geverifieer deur TrackerControl for iOS:

Organic Maps vra nie om oordrewe magtigings om op u te spioeneer nie:

By Organic Maps glo ons dat privaatheid ’n fundamentele mensereg is:

Weier waarneming – omarm u vryheid.

Probeer Organic Maps gerus!

Wie betaal vir die gratis toep?

Die toep is gratis vir almal. Skenk asseblief om ons te ondersteun!

Om onmiddellik te skenk kan u op ’n voorkeurbetaalmetode hier onder klik:

Beloved institutional sponsors below have provided targeted grants to cover some infrastructure costs and fund development of new selected features:

The NLnet Foundation The Search & Fonts improvement project has been funded through NGI0 Entrust Fund. NGI0 Entrust Fund is established by the NLnet Foundation with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.
Google Summer of Code Google backed 5 student's projects in the Google Summer of Code program during 2022 and 2023 programs. Noteworthy projects included Android Auto and Wikipedia Dump Extractor.
Mythic Beasts Mythic Beasts ISP provides us two virtual servers with 400 TB/month of free bandwidth to host and serve maps downloads and updates.
44+ Technologies 44+ Technologies is providing us with a free dedicated server worth around $12,000/year to serve maps across Vietnam & Southeast Asia.
FUTO FUTO has awarded $1000 micro-grant to Organic Maps in February 2023.


Organic Maps is oopbronprogrammatuur, wat gelisenseer is onder die Apache Lisensie 2.0.