Organic Maps:离线的远足、自行车、登山和导航地图

Organic Maps 是一个免费的安卓和iOS平台离线地图应用程序,为旅行者、游客、徒步旅行者和骑行者提供基于**OpenStreetMap** 的众源数据。它是 应用程序(以前称为MapsWithMe,由2011年创建MapsWithMe 的同一个人维护)的一个开源且注重隐私的分支

Organic Maps 是目前少数几个不需要持续互联网连接就能支持100%功能的应用程序之一。安装Organic Maps,下载地图,扔掉你的SIM卡(顺便说一下,你的运营商会不断地跟踪你),充一次电池就可以出去旅行一周而不需要通过网络发送哪怕一个字节。

In 2023, Organic Maps got its first million users. Help us to scale!

Download and install Organic Maps from AppStore, Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, Obtainium, FDroid

登山 布拉格 离线搜索 夜间模式下的导航


Organic Maps 是旅行者、游客、徒步旅行者和骑行者的终极伴侣应用:

为什么选择Organic Maps?

Organic Maps 既纯粹而有机,用爱发电:

Organic Maps 应用没有跟踪器和其他糟糕的东西:

本应用程序已经Exodus Privacy Project认证:

The iOS application is verified by TrackerControl for iOS:

Organic Maps 无需过多权限:

在Organic Maps,我们相信隐私是一项基本人权:

拒绝监视 - 拥抱自由。

给Organic Maps一个机会!



To donate conveniently, click on your preferred payment method icon below:

Beloved institutional sponsors below have provided targeted grants to cover some infrastructure costs and fund development of new selected features:

The NLnet Foundation The Search & Fonts improvement project has been funded through NGI0 Entrust Fund. NGI0 Entrust Fund is established by the NLnet Foundation with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.
Google Summer of Code Google backed 5 student's projects in the Google Summer of Code program during 2022 and 2023 programs. Noteworthy projects included Android Auto and Wikipedia Dump Extractor.
Mythic Beasts Mythic Beasts ISP provides us two virtual servers with 400 TB/month of free bandwidth to host and serve maps downloads and updates.
44+ Technologies 44+ Technologies is providing us with a free dedicated server worth around $12,000/year to serve maps across Vietnam & Southeast Asia.
FUTO FUTO has awarded $1000 micro-grant to Organic Maps in February 2023.


Organic Maps是一个以Apache许可证2.0授权的开源软件