Organic Maps Offline Hike, Bike, GPS Navigation

Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, drivers and cyclists based on OpenStreetMap data created by the community. It is a privacy-focused, open-source fork of app (previously known as MapsWithMe), maintained by the same people who created MapsWithMe in 2011.

Organic Maps is one of the few applications nowadays that supports 100% of features without an active Internet connection. Install Organic Maps, download maps, throw away your SIM card, and go for a weeklong trip on a single battery charge without any byte sent to the network.

In 2023, Organic Maps got its first million users. Help us to scale!

Download and install Organic Maps from AppStore, Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, Obtainium, FDroid

Matkamine Praha Otsing ilma
võrguühendust kasutamata Teekonna juhatamine
kasutades tumedat vaadet


Organic Maps on suurepärane rakendus reisijatele, turistidele, matkajatele ja ratturitele:

Miks Organic Maps?

Meie kaardirakendus on hoole ja armastusega tehtud ehe ja mõnus tarkvara:

Organic Maps rakenduses pole midagi, mis sinu tegevust jälgiks:

Meie rakendust on kontrollinud Exodus Privacy Project:

OrganicMaps'i iOS rakendus on verifitseeritud - TrackerControl for iOS:

Organic Maps ei eelda sinu nutiseadmes liigseid õigusi, mis võimaldaks sinu tegevust jälgida:

Organic Maps rakenduse tiimis me eeldame, et privaatsus on põhiline inimõigus:

Keeldu pidevast jälgimisest - võta oma sihiks vabadus.

Proovi Organic Maps'i kaardirakendust!

Kes maksab tasuta rakenduse eest?

Meie rakendus on kõigile tasuta. Aga kui soovid meid rahaliselt toetada, siis see on alati hea mõte!

To donate conveniently, click on your preferred payment method icon below:

Beloved institutional sponsors below have provided targeted grants to cover some infrastructure costs and fund development of new selected features:

The NLnet Foundation The Search & Fonts improvement project has been funded through NGI0 Entrust Fund. NGI0 Entrust Fund is established by the NLnet Foundation with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.
Google Summer of Code Google backed 5 student's projects in the Google Summer of Code program during 2022 and 2023 programs. Noteworthy projects included Android Auto and Wikipedia Dump Extractor.
Mythic Beasts Mythic Beasts ISP provides us two virtual servers with 400 TB/month of free bandwidth to host and serve maps downloads and updates.
44+ Technologies 44+ Technologies is providing us with a free dedicated server worth around $12,000/year to serve maps across Vietnam & Southeast Asia.
FUTO FUTO has awarded $1000 micro-grant to Organic Maps in February 2023.


Organic Maps on avatud lähtekoodil põhinev tarkvara, mida me oleme litsentseerinud Apache License 2.0 alusel.