February 14, 2024 

If you missed it, the February 2024 Organic Maps update is already available in Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, and AppStore.

Thanks to our contributors ❤️, there is a big list of changes!

  • OpenStreetMap data as of February 2
  • Restroom emoji for places with toilets
  • Display parking operator
  • More precise turn notifications for small distances
  • Fixed absent speed limit on some speed cameras
  • Open Location Codes (OLC, Plus Codes) search shows results relative to the current position and to the screen center
  • Fixed crash in search
  • Name editing for playgrounds
  • Parse coordinates from OpenStreetMap links
  • Allow editing of Greek names for Cyprus
  • Hindi support
  • Better and more precise search on the map, more relevant search results in the list
  • Removed "Continue detecting your location?" dialog, now location search can be stopped by pressing the "rotating radar" location button


  • Fixed Spanish and Portuguese TTS languages
  • Fixed KML, KMZ, GPX import crash
  • Fixed KMZ import from WhatsApp
  • Show what is copied to the clipboard on the lock screen for Android 13+
  • Fixed blurry buttons on Android 5

Android Auto:

  • Fixed indefinite loading
  • Fixed World map download
  • Show addresses on the Search Screen


  • Current position is properly updated when returning back to the app
  • Improved the look of search bars
  • Auto Light/Dark theme setting is synced with the system
  • Properly display a longer cuisines list
  • Fixed location services permissions request for the first app start
  • Reduced the navigation screen top bar height

Map styles:

  • Orange color for secondary roads
  • Wider and brighter white tertiary roads
  • Nicer looking on- and off-ramp road links joins
  • Raised visibility of secondary and tertiary road links
  • Less bright farmlands color
  • Smaller mountain passes/saddles icons
  • Reduced visibilities of mountain saddles (compared to passes)
  • New ford icon
  • Made hospital and clinic icons look different
  • Reduced visibility of light rail stations
  • Added Boston and updated Taipei subway icons
  • Fixed Delhi subway entrance icons, Minsk & Spb subway captions on detailed zoom
  • Increased font size of towns and suburbs labels and decreased for neighborhoods
  • Fixed bookmark icon for water parks
  • Adjust the visibilities of many POIs

Outdoors map style:

  • Increased 50m & 100m contour lines visibilities
  • Raised visibility of campsites, survey points, toilets, and touristic information features
  • New power tower and flagpole/mast icons
  • Made bridleways to be the same brown color as paths
  • Increased contrast of footways on overview zooms

Car navigation map style:

  • Added toilets, convenience stores
  • Reduced visibilities of artwork features and subway station captions
  • Bigger roundabout exit number

Updated Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Finnish, French, Romanian, Slovak, and Ukrainian translations

Donate to support the development and scaling of the better Google Maps alternative!

 February 14, 2024 

A list of articles about Organic Maps we have recently found on the web. Read, enjoy, share! A bit of organic word-of-mouth marketing doesn't hurt 😉

  1. Organic Maps, an alternative to Google Maps https://www.todoandroid.es/en/organic-maps-una-alternativa-a-google-maps/
  2. Let Google Maps rest, this is the app that's coming to replace it, it's free and it doesn't spy on you https://www.smallcapnews.co.uk/let-google-maps-rest-this-is-the-app-thats-coming-to-replace-it-its-free-and-it-doesnt-spy-on-you-teach-me-about-science/
  3. Esta alternativa a Google Maps es de código abierto y permite la navegación GPS sin conexión https://www.20minutos.es/tecnologia/aplicaciones/google-maps-codigo-abierto-navegacion-gps-sin-internet-5207595/
  4. Adiós a Google Maps y Wikiloc: así es Organic Maps, la avanzada apps de mapas que no necesita conexión https://www.elespanol.com/elandroidelibre/aplicaciones/20230909/adios-google-maps-wikiloc-organic-avanzada-apps-mapas-no-necesita-conexion/792421133%5F0.html
  5. Abandona Google Maps con esta otra app que sí cuida tu privacidad en Android y iOS https://depor.com/depor-play/tecnologia/abandona-google-maps-con-esta-otra-app-que-si-cuida-tu-privacidad-en-android-y-ios-organic-maps-google-google-maps-mexico-espana-mx-noticia/