If you missed it, the February 2024 Organic Maps update is already available in Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, and AppStore.
Thanks to our contributors ❤️, there is a big list of changes!
- OpenStreetMap data as of February 2
- Restroom emoji for places with toilets
- Display parking operator
- More precise turn notifications for small distances
- Fixed absent speed limit on some speed cameras
- Open Location Codes (OLC, Plus Codes) search shows results relative to the current position and to the screen center
- Fixed crash in search
- Name editing for playgrounds
- Parse coordinates from OpenStreetMap links
- Allow editing of Greek names for Cyprus
- Hindi support
- Better and more precise search on the map, more relevant search results in the list
- Removed "Continue detecting your location?" dialog, now location search can be stopped by pressing the "rotating radar" location button
- Fixed Spanish and Portuguese TTS languages
- Fixed KML, KMZ, GPX import crash
- Fixed KMZ import from WhatsApp
- Show what is copied to the clipboard on the lock screen for Android 13+
- Fixed blurry buttons on Android 5
Android Auto:
- Fixed indefinite loading
- Fixed World map download
- Show addresses on the Search Screen
- Current position is properly updated when returning back to the app
- Improved the look of search bars
- Auto Light/Dark theme setting is synced with the system
- Properly display a longer cuisines list
- Fixed location services permissions request for the first app start
- Reduced the navigation screen top bar height
Map styles:
- Orange color for secondary roads
- Wider and brighter white tertiary roads
- Nicer looking on- and off-ramp road links joins
- Raised visibility of secondary and tertiary road links
- Less bright farmlands color
- Smaller mountain passes/saddles icons
- Reduced visibilities of mountain saddles (compared to passes)
- New ford icon
- Made hospital and clinic icons look different
- Reduced visibility of light rail stations
- Added Boston and updated Taipei subway icons
- Fixed Delhi subway entrance icons, Minsk & Spb subway captions on detailed zoom
- Increased font size of towns and suburbs labels and decreased for neighborhoods
- Fixed bookmark icon for water parks
- Adjust the visibilities of many POIs
Outdoors map style:
- Increased 50m & 100m contour lines visibilities
- Raised visibility of campsites, survey points, toilets, and touristic information features
- New power tower and flagpole/mast icons
- Made bridleways to be the same brown color as paths
- Increased contrast of footways on overview zooms
Car navigation map style:
- Added toilets, convenience stores
- Reduced visibilities of artwork features and subway station captions
- Bigger roundabout exit number
Updated Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Finnish, French, Romanian, Slovak, and Ukrainian translations
Donate to support the development and scaling of the better Google Maps alternative!

A list of articles about Organic Maps we have recently found on the web. Read, enjoy, share! A bit of organic word-of-mouth marketing doesn't hurt 😉
- Organic Maps, an alternative to Google Maps https://www.todoandroid.es/en/organic-maps-una-alternativa-a-google-maps/
- Let Google Maps rest, this is the app that's coming to replace it, it's free and it doesn't spy on you https://www.smallcapnews.co.uk/let-google-maps-rest-this-is-the-app-thats-coming-to-replace-it-its-free-and-it-doesnt-spy-on-you-teach-me-about-science/
- Esta alternativa a Google Maps es de código abierto y permite la navegación GPS sin conexión https://www.20minutos.es/tecnologia/aplicaciones/google-maps-codigo-abierto-navegacion-gps-sin-internet-5207595/
- Adiós a Google Maps y Wikiloc: así es Organic Maps, la avanzada apps de mapas que no necesita conexión https://www.elespanol.com/elandroidelibre/aplicaciones/20230909/adios-google-maps-wikiloc-organic-avanzada-apps-mapas-no-necesita-conexion/792421133%5F0.html
- Abandona Google Maps con esta otra app que sí cuida tu privacidad en Android y iOS https://depor.com/depor-play/tecnologia/abandona-google-maps-con-esta-otra-app-que-si-cuida-tu-privacidad-en-android-y-ios-organic-maps-google-google-maps-mexico-espana-mx-noticia/