Organic Maps: Latest news and updates from our team


June 6, 2024 Organic Maps now with iCloud backup and sync

May 9, 2024 Did you try Organic Maps on Linux? We use it on Mac and Linux for development, Windows PC desktop version is also possible

February 14, 2024 A list of articles about Organic Maps we have recently found on the web

January 27, 2024 How to run Organic Maps on Windows

January 4, 2024 Is building routes easier or more complex in Organic Maps compared to other apps? Can it be done even more conveniently/with less clicks? How to make it easier for new users to discover the way to build a route in OM?

October 19, 2023 Organic Maps shares the 5th and 6th place on the list of most popular OSM editors together with Rapid

September 28, 2023 Un artículo sobre Organic Maps en español.

September 21, 2023 Please vote for us again on HackerNews

July 17, 2023 Geospatial podcast with Roman Tsisyk

June 1, 2023 Roman, co-founder of Organic Maps, speaks about FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software) and privacy-focused offline maps

December 2, 2022 The Hiking Club recommends Organic Maps to its clients

August 27, 2021 Some highlights about Organic Maps in the French article