Now everyone can back up or share all bookmarks and imported tracks as one KMZ file with just one click

March 11, 2024

Now everyone can back up or share all bookmarks and imported tracks as one KMZ file with just one click! And then import everything back from the same file.

Apple users can now edit colors of imported tracks and have a more convenient way of editing bookmarks. And don't forget to check our updated About dialog!

The March update is already available in all app stores. An apk for Android is also available on our GitHub if you want to install the latest Organic Maps version immediately when we publish the release, without any delays caused by slow reviews or publishing. This apk can be installed together with Organic Maps from other app stores! We also plan to add notifications about available GitHub apk updates, similar to what Obtainium already does.

Here is a more detailed list of changes:

Android only:

iOS only:

Style improvements:

Our beloved contributors have updated French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Slovak, and Spanish translations.

Did you know we have started building a FAQ section on our website? You can help to populate and translate it!

We hope you are enjoying Organic Maps (we kindly call it OM) as we are enjoying it. Let's improve OM together! Your donations and support are warmly welcomed! They help to speed up the development, improvements and bugfixes.

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