Meet the second November update of Organic Maps! Enjoy your travels and share your experience with us. Let's make the best privacy-focused, fastest and easiest to use offline maps together!
What was done in this release:
- New OpenStreetMaps data as of November 19
- Added Organic Maps Mastodon account to follow in Help dialog
- Fixed bug in a wrong bicycle's speed used for routing algorithm
- Secondary title in the local language is now displayed on the Place Page
- Fixed Organic Maps Matrix room link in Help dialog
- Fixed opening URLs with # and ? symbols
- Update About menu item
- Removed gray line from the menu
- Place Page properly displays 1 hour left before the place closes
Android 🤖
- The blue arrow is properly centered inside the position icon
- Links to our website in Help dialog are localized (en, ru, it, tr are supported at the moment, please help us with site translations)
- Fixed navigation menu visible under navbar in some cases
- The distance to search results in the list is now properly displayed
Styles 🗺️
- Added healthcare=physiotherapist
- Fixed some wrong icons displayed on top of each other
- Added highway=busway type
- place=island and place=archipelago are now visible on the World map
- Fixed leisure area style
- Properly render waterway=dam as a background area
- Fixed water incorrectly drawn over the pier
Translations 🌐
- Added Estonian translations, thanks to Aulo Aasmaa @auloaasmaa!
- Updated Czech, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, and Turkish translations
- Fixed missing RV category translations for search
- Fixed non-working Catalan categories search
- Use Metro instead of Subway for en-GB
Desktop 🖥️ (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
- Fixed build errors on GCC-12
- Fixed map dragging using the mouse
- "+" key zooms in the map
- Use high-resolution icons on high-DPI displays on Macs
- Improve documentation about running WSL and desktop app (native Windows version is still in progress, please let us know if you are interested in it)