Finally, after fixing some critical issues, the November Organic Maps update is available in the Apple Store, Huawei AppGallery, and on our Github
November 3, 2022
Finally, after fixing some critical issues, the November Organic Maps update is available in the Apple Store, Huawei AppGallery, and on our Github. Google Play and FDroid are coming soon too.
Here is the full list of improvements, kudos to our contributors and our small team:
- New OSM data as of October 29
- Minor performance improvements
- Dump corrupted KMLs to the log on startup
- Do not strip non-ASCII characters from exported bookmark files
- Simplify/smooth road altitudes chart
Routing and Navigation:
- Show "Roads to avoid" options and warnings on the route also for walking, cycling, and metro routes
- Fixed some routing issues, including wrong routing via highway exits/links
- Enable Catalan TTS
- Show speed camera on tap
- Show all found results on the map screen
- Improved villages search
- Show only matched categories if they were selected from the list, not names
- Fixed street synonyms for nordic languages
- Use regional metro/subway icons for entrances and stations
- Added brewery, plumber, tailor, carpenter, sawmill, beekeeper, blacksmith, electrician, painter, and other craft icons
- Added natural=shrubbery, natural=desert, leisure=dance, amenity=charging_station-motorcar, and more barrier types
- Draw international airport icon on z7-9
- Draw metro for major cities starting from z12
- Do not draw railway station icon for building=train_station
- Updated icons for garden, park, forest, national park, nature reserve, power, chimney
- Add historic battlefield, gallows, pillory, memorial cross, stolperstein and war_memorial
- Fixed historic=* priority
- Support sauna=yes tags
- Better colors for natural=scrub
- Draw entrance icon instead of a dot
- Improved detecting current position
- Crossed out target icon means that you need to press it to detect current position
- Suggest turning on networking location service if it is disabled
- Hide system bars in full-screen mode
- On Android 13+ you can change OM language
- Use non-bold font in the Place Page title
- Properly handle notch on Android 8.1+
- Keep transparent status bar only on the map screen
- Fix crash on exit split screen
- Fix crash on login to OSM
- Fix crash in the "Location is disabled" dialog
- Crosshair API now supports "cll=lat,lon" argument to center the map
- Remove unused BATTERY_STATS system permission
- Use numbers for transit intermediate points
- Add missing icons in the editor
- Improve Wikipedia description in the Place Page
iOS Place Page:
- Use system 12/24h time format
- Show Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons links
Mac & Linux Desktop version:
- Fixed search indicator in Viewport mode
- Fixed search table update, now old results are always replaced by new ones
- Use larger, more geographically significant names for Oregon maps in Downloader
- Updated Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Turkish translations