A new April update of Organic Maps is live in all stores
May 2, 2022
A new April update of Organic Maps is live in all stores!
Here is the changelog:
- Updated OSM maps data as of April 15, 2022
- Experimental Wikipedia articles everywhere
- Improved car route directions
- Some speed and battery optimizations
- Many routing improvements
- Fixed subway routing in some cities
- Added Euskara (Basque) translations
- Improved Italian and DE translations
- More often oneway arrows
- Removed town halls and gardens from sightseeing
- Get phone from "mobile" OSM tag
- Add more vending_machine types
- Added landuse=education
- Fixed school and kindergarten area priorities and fills
- Fixed Recycling category search
- Fixed Internet access displaying
- Fixed descriptions serialization in the edits.xml
- Fixed text heights rendering
- Follow our news in "?"
- Show SD card even if there is not enough space on it
- Fixed check for free space when updating maps
- Fixed annoying "location disabled" dialog
- FDroid users now can update World files
- Fixed button to view search results on a map on Android 8 and lower
- Fixed menu colors and the refreshed navigation menu
- editor.config can be overridden (if you have root)
- Added matrix, email, OSM links
- Don't mirror the next turn sign in the LTR layout
- Fixed RTL zoom buttons covered by Search and Bookmarks in Routing mode
Desktop (yes, Organic Maps can run on Mac and Linux, Windows is almost ready too)
- Improved Routing settings dialog
- Flathub, AppStream, Repology support
- Improved selection toolbar layout
- Use XDG path for settings