February 14, 2022 

Meet new Organic Maps update 2022.02.11 for iOS!

Android update is delayed by Google reviewers, we hope it becomes available soon too.

Here is the changelog:

  • New OSM maps data as of February 4, 2022
  • New Help/About dialog on the main screen
  • Hide bottom toolbar on tap at the empty map
  • Transparent bottom toolbar background


  • Fixed routing bugs with unnecessary exits from the highway
  • Fixed some cyclist routing bugs
  • Respect "Avoid roads" setting for bicycle and pedestrian routes
  • Fixed bug with invalid cross-region routing


  • Added search categories for Water, RV Facilities and Recycling
  • Added parcel pickup, excrement bags, quay, marina, caravan, dump station, mast, flag pole, funeral directors
  • Better displaying of house numbers in navigation
  • Select linear objects instead of area ones on long tap
  • Towns and cities are properly prioritized on 10-11 zoom levels
  • Prioritize parking over other areas like forests
  • Improved rendering of piers, dams, cutlines
  • Improved train stations visibility
  • Made national parks & military fills less obtrusive
  • Adjusted highways visibility
  • Fixed some capitals incorrectly marked as cities on a World map.
  • Corrected some icons


  • Fixed German, Italian and Turkish translations
  • FAQ in Turkish