Some places are missing on the map or have wrong names
Our map data source is OpenStreetMap (OSM). This is a mapping project similar to Wikipedia, but for maps, where anybody can create and edit the map of the World.
If you see incorrect information, or if you find that some objects are missing on the map, you can leave a note for OSM volunteers or register and edit the map.
The more people contribute, the more detailed maps everyone gets. We believe that the most detailed map of the whole world, created by the open community, is just a matter of time.
You can also add new places, edit existing POI and building info (addresses, opening hours, names) directly in Organic Maps. Once you log in with OSM account, your edits will be automatically uploaded to OSM. Please be careful when editing, as your edits will be visible to all other users.
The OpenStreetMap database is updated every minute. We aim to update maps in the app 1-4 times per month. If you modified something in OSM, your edits will appear in future maps updates.